Wooyoung (William) Jang

Clinical Assistant Professor
Email: jangwoo@iu.edu
Phone: 812-855-5523
Address: 1025 E. 7th St.
Department: Kinesiology
ORCID - 0000-0003-3131-7521
Ph.D. in Sport Marketing & Management at Indiana University - Bloomington 2020
M.S. in Sport Management at University of Georgia - Athens 2014
B.S. in Golf Management at Kyung Hee University 2011
- Clinical Assistant Professor in Sport Marketing & Management at Indiana University – Bloomington
- Assistant Professor in Sport Management Program at University of West Georgia – Carrollton
- Associate Instructor in Sport Marketing & Management at Indiana University – Bloomington
- Editorial board member for the following journals: International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship and Journal of Electronic Gaming and Esports
- Ad-hoc reviewer for the following journals: Applied Sciences, Asian Society for SportCampbell Collaboration, Case Studies in Sport Management, Computers in Human Behavior, Economies, European Journal of Marketing, European Sport Management Quarterly, Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, Frontiers Public Health, Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, International Journal of Sport Communication, International Journal of Sport Management, International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship, Journal of Electronic Gaming and Esports, Journal of Product & Brand Management, Journal of Sport Behavior, Multimedia Tools and Applications, Quest, Scientific Reports, Sport Management Review, Sport Marketing Quarterly, Sport, Business, Management: An International Journal, Sustainability, and Telematics and Informatics
- Outstanding Research Award Winner of University of West Georgia, College of Education (2022)
- Faculty Advisor (co-advisor) of 2022 Global Sport Business Association (GSBA) Doctoral Grant Award Competition Winner (Nassau, Bahamas; Hyunseok Song)
- The Best Paper Award Winner at the Emerald Literati Awards (2021)
- Indiana University, Department of Kinesiology Graduate Student Fellowship Competition Winner ($5,000) (2019)
- North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) Doctoral Research Competition 2018 Top Three Finalist (Halifax, Nova Scotia)
- Esports consumer behavior
- Sport consumer behavior
- Sport marketing
- Measurement
- Sportscape
Honors, Awards, and Achievements
Scholarly Interest
My primary research interest involves consumer behavior associated with esports. To better understand this rapidly emerging phenomenon, I have focused on exploring the determinants of esports playing behavior and its relationship with various other esports consumption behaviors such as purchasing in-game items, streaming, and attending.
I am also interested in examining variables associated with sportscape affecting sport consumption behavior. Pursuant to this interest, my research has focused on examining how physical environment factors and emotions interact with sport consumers’ behavioral responses in various sport contexts, including esportscape (i.e., physical/ social atmosphere of esports venues).
Selected Publications
ResearchGate link (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Wooyoung-Jang-2